Coś jest nie tak z Jonny'm. Krótko mówiąc – jest nastolatkiem. Co zawsze było trudne. Jednak bycie nastoletnim chłopcem z depresją jest dziś jeszcze trudniejsze.
The death of his father piles more pressure on Jonny, who struggles to balance both grief and hiding his depression - with disastrous consequences. The arrival of a mysterious girl called Mei helps, but she isn't what she seems.
Mei takes Jonny on a whirlwind journey to get him to trust her to keep his secrets, while manipulating him into defending her against accusations of theft by Neve, and her mum into thinking her birth father wants a relationship with her.
Jonny's improved mental health starts to come at a cost, as he ignores Mei's growing red flags. Regan helps Neve realize her warnings will come across as jealousy. Louis' desperation to lose his virginity by emulating porn goes badly awry.
Neve's rebellious streak worsens as she protests her 'perfect' sister's interference in her life. Louis realizes reinventing himself isn't for him. Jonny's way of dealing with Mei and his other friends' actions backfires catastrophically.
Regan is fearful of what relinquishing her role as carer will mean. Jonny's new-found motivation is dangerously quashed by shock revelations. Mei and Zia are led into traps. Louis and Neve explore complex feelings about new relationships.
Jonny and Mei's destinies appear to align - until both accept their recoveries start at home, and through difficult, reciprocal honesty. Neve stands up to Marcus. Louis is caught, and torn, between Zia and Kyle.